Under the umbrella of the Pick It Up-Toss No Mas program, Silver City Watershed Keepers engages community members in monthly cleanups to keep our roads and waterways litter-free. Litter-free waterways help to protect the water quality for people and wildlife.
Pick It Up-Toss No Mas organizes community-wide cleanups the third Saturday of every month. For more information on how to volunteer, visit
Silver City Watershed Keepers Stream Stewards commit to carrying out two cleanups of their stream segment per year, either on their own or in conjunction with SCWK cleanup events. We will provide trash pickers, safety vests, and trash bags, as needed.
With support from the New Mexico Outdoor Equity Fund, the Lineberry Foundation, and the Alex Olsen and Martyn Pearson Memorial Donor Advised Fund at the Grant County Community Foundation, the Silver City Watershed Keepers is offering a free Nature Discovery Summer Camp for incoming 4th, 5th and 6th graders. The summer camp is designed and […]
The San Vicente Creek River Stewardship Project will improve water quality and riparian habitat. With funding from the NM Environment Department River Stewardship Program, Gila Resources Information Project (GRIP) has partnered with the Town of Silver City, Stream Dynamics, Gila WoodNet, Southwest Tree Solutions, and Lone Mountain Natives to address water quality impairments and threats […]
Under the umbrella of the Pick It Up-Toss No Mas program, Silver City Watershed Keepers engages community members in monthly cleanups to keep our roads and waterways litter free. Litter-free waterways help to protect the water quality for people and wildlife. Pick It Up-Toss No Mas organizes community-wide cleanups the third Saturday of every month. […]