Silver City Watershed Keepers aims to engage community members of all ages in protection and restoration of the Silver City Watershed. Through outreach and education programs, we build community stewardship and sense-of-place of our local waterways.
World Water Day:
An annual, international observance day held on March 22, which highlights the importance of freshwater. The day advocates for the sustainable management of freshwater resources and builds awareness to the two billion people without access to fresh, safe water.
Through the SCWK, Silver City has been recognizing and celebrating World Water Day for over 10 years with speakers, discussions, and field trips to our local watershed.
Nature Discovery Summer Camps:
Through Outdoor Equity Fund and Lineberry Foundation grants with the New Mexico Outdoor Recreation Division, Silver City Watershed Keepers offers three week-long summer camps every June. Two weeks are based in Silver City and one week in Bayard. Taking place on local and federal public lands and cultural sites in Grant County, the camps provide outdoor field experiences to rising 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students in Silver City, Bayard, Hurley, San Lorenzo, Mimbres, and Santa Clara. Fostering stewardship of our water resources and respect for our natural environment and cultural sites, the program enhances concepts of community and watershed stewardship, nature study, and cultural heritage through outdoor activities, projects, and presentations that foster critical thinking about the threats to water resources, our environment, and cultural heritage and potential solutions to mitigate these threats.
Silver City Watershed Keepers also provides in-classroom presentations, field trips, events at Bayard and Silver City Public Libraries, speakers, and more.