Our Team
Technical Advisory Committee
Susan Styer
New Mexico Environment Department
Dr. Kathy Whiteman
WNMU Professor Outdoor Program
Dr. Corrie Neighbors
WNMU Professor Natural Sciences
Van Clothier
Stream Dynamics- Stream Restoration

Allyson Siwik,
Program Director
Since 2003, Allyson has served as the executive director of the Gila Resources Information Project and the co-founder and program director for the Silver City Watershed Keepers since its creation. Allyson graduated with a BA in biology from Colby College and a Master of Environmental Management in Resource Economics and Policy from Duke University School of the Environment. She has nearly 30 years of experience in environmental protection, conservation, and advocacy, including 12 years with the US Environmental Protection Agency in North Carolina and El Paso, TX. She has worked extensively with local communities in the borderlands to resolve environmental problems, including binational air quality management, mining environmental impacts, water quality and water supply concerns, and community-wide initiatives on climate change and sustainability.

Beth Cable,
As the Silver City Watershed Keepers Project Coordinator, Beth aims to connect the community of Silver City with their watershed through working with volunteers on water quality sampling and educational programs in classrooms and out in the field, while conserving and preserving our precious natural resource – Water. Beth has a BS in Wildlife and Fisheries Science from Penn State University and an MS in Teaching and Environment and Natural Resources from the University of Wyoming. She has completed environmental assessment studies, including breeding bird, raptors and rare plants for Western Ecosystems Technology, Northern Rockies Conservation Cooperative, Arizona Game and Fish Department and Point Reyes Bird Observatory. She has also designed, developed and implemented natural science curricula for elementary, middle and high school students, both outdoors and through outreach programs. She has created water teaching toolboxes, organized the Wyoming State Science Fair and taught life science to elementary education pre-service teachers. She also teaches yoga and has dabbled in organic farming and home health care. She moved to Silver City in 2021 and enjoys trail running, hiking and the great outdoors.

Emily cox,
Pick it up – Toss No Mas Coordinator
As the Silver City Pick It Up-Toss No Mas Coordinator, Emily hopes to encourage younger students to join the fight to restore our community’s natural environment and help keep Silver City free of unnecessary litter. Emily is currently a student at Western New Mexico University and is working hard to obtain a degree in Sustainable Development with a focus in Environmental Science. She enjoys hiking, backpacking, learning about plants, and spending lots of time near the Gila River. Emily has been an intern for GRIP on the New Mexico Clean and Beautiful project helping to restore the beauty of the Big Ditch Park. She has also done work with Upper Gila Watershed Alliance teaching water quality monitoring for the Children’s Water Festival and aiding in their New Earth Project.